Shiatsu is a deeply relaxing and extremely effective form of bodywork based on the classical theories of Chinese Medecine. It works in the same way as acupuncture, but uses fingers, thumbs, palm or feet pressure along meredians to balance energy in the body.
It can help many physical and emotional conditions (muscle pain or digestive issues), as well as promoting relaxation and preventing the build up of stress.
The shiatsu practitioner uses relaxed body weight to apply pressure along the meridians in order to stimulate the body’s own healing response.
The session is offered on the floor or on a treatment table, with clothes on.
In Laval, our team of massage therapist is available for you every day, even on weekends. Contact us to discuss with our advisors and be guided to the care that best suits your needs.
- 60 min / $114,81 price plus tax
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